Descriptive Text ~ Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Kaidah Kebahasaan, dan Contoh

Descriptive Text ~ Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur, Kaidah Kebahasaan, dan Contoh

A. What is a Descriptive Text?

Teks deskriptif (descriptive text) adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan hal-hal, orang, atau tempat tertentu. Yang dimaksud dengan tertentu adalah teks deskriptif hanya menjelaskan hal secara spesifik, bukan secara umum (general thing). Contohnya, kamu mempunyai sebuah tas dan temanmu bertanya tentang ciri-ciri tas tersebut. Kamu dapat menggunakan teks deskriptif untuk menjelaskan tas tersebut secara spesifik (specifically). Kamu dapat mendeskripsikannya dengan menyebutkan warnanya, bentuknya, atau keunikannya. Dapat juga dikatakan dalam teks deskriptif, hanya satu benda, orang, atau tempat yang dapat digambarkan secara spesifik. 

B. What is the Purpose of Descriptive Text?

Tujuan descriptive text untuk mengatakan subjek dengan mendeskripsikan bentuknya sebagaimana mestinya. 

C. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text.

a. Identification

1. Paragraf ini mengenalkan subyek yang akan dideskripsikan kepada pembaca.

2. Hal ini memberikan pembaca sebuah catatan detail tentang "when, where, who, or what' dari suatu subyek.


~ I have a new mobile phone.

~ Barack Obama is the president of the United States now. 

~ Jatim Park is a famous theme park located in Batu East Java 

b. Description

1. Bagian ini berisi beberapa paragraf.

2 Setiap paragraf biasanya dimulai dengan topik kalimat.

3. Setiap paragraf mendeskripsikan saw film tentang subyek.

4. Setiap paragraf dalam bagian ini mempunyai deskripsi yang detail dari subyek yang dideskripsikan.

c. Conclusion (optional)

Paragraf kesimpulan menandakan bagian akhir teks. 

D. Language Features of Descriptive Text.

a. Menggunakan certain nouns (kata benda tertentu)


~ My teacher

~ My new house

~ My rabbit

b. Menggunakan simple present tense


~ My teacher is very patient

~ It is big

~ It loves eating carrot

c. Menggunakan sebuah detailed noun phrase untuk menambah beberapa informasi tentang subJek. 


~ She is a beautiful smart woman.

~ It is a nice new house.

~ It is a cute white rabbit.

d. Menggunakan kata sifat yang deskriptif (descriptive adjectives)


~ Two blue eyes

~ Five big windows

~ Thick fur

e. Menggunakan thinking verbs don feeling verbs untuk mengungkapkan pendapat pribadi penulisnya tentang subjek


~ I think she is a very professional teacher.

~ I think I will have a very sound sleep on this comfortable bed.

~ I think it is the cutest rabbit I have ever seen. 

f. Menggunakan figurative language atau comparison (perbandingan)


~ She is as beautiful as Snow White.

~ It stands strongly. Its fur is as soft as cotton candy. 

E. Contoh Descriptive Text

a. Contoh descriptive text tentang benda.

My New Mobile Phone

Hello, my name is Ryan. I want to tell you about my new mobile phone. My mother bought it for me as a birthday present. It is a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Its shape is rectangular. Its color is white. It is an android, so I can browse the internet faster and download many applications for free. It uses a touch screen and also an S-pen. I can create some doodling by using the S-pen. Its camera resolution is very good; I can take some cool photographs with it. It also has some funny and fun games to be played during my free time. I really love my new mobile phone. 

1. Title: My New Mobile Phone

2. Communicative purpose: To describe my new mobile phone in specific 

3. Generic structure:

~ Identification: Hello, my name is Ryan. I want to tell you about my new mobile phone. My mother bought it for me as a birthday present. It is a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

~ Description: Its shape is rectangular. Its color is white. It is an android, so I can browse the Internet faster and download many applications for free. It uses a touch screen and also an S-pen. I can create some doodling by using the S-pen. Its camera resolution is very good; I can take some cool photographs with it. It also has some funny and fun games to be played during my free time I really love my new mobile phone 

4. Some grammatical features:

~ Specific nouns: my new mobile phone

~ Using simple present tense: its color is white

~ Using detailed noun phrase: it is a brand new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 

b. Contoh descriptive text tentang orang.

My Uncle

Hey, I want to tell you about my uncle. His name is Andy Wijaya. He is a very kind man. He is an engineer. Now he works in a steel company in Jakarta. He has a long angular face and a pointed nose He has a small mustache and short black hair His eyes are small and he wears glasses He has a faint scar on his left cheek He looks like a very serious person but actually he is humorous.

1 Title: My Uncle

2. Communicative purpose: To describe my uncle 3. Generic Structure

~ Identification: Hey, I want to tell you about my uncle. His name is Andy Wijaya.

~ Description: He is a very kind man. He is an engineer, Now he works in a steel company in Jakarta. He has a long angular face and pointed nose. He has a small mustache and short black hair His eyes are small and he wears glasses He has a faint scar on his left cheek. He looks like a very serious person, but actually, he is humorous 

4. Some Grammatical Features :

~ Specific nouns: my uncle

~ Using simple present tense: he is an engineer

~ Using detailed noun phrases: he has a long angular face

~ Using descriptive adjective: short black hair 

c. Contoh descriptive text tentang tempat.

My House

My house is a brick house with a small garden in front of it. Its paint is white and green. It is a very nice and comfortable house. My house has a living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. There is a verandah with three wooden chairs and a wooden table in front of the verandah. The living room is big enough. In the middle of the living room, there is a big sofa and some comfortable chairs At the end of the living room there is a cabinet with a TV set on it. 

My bedroom is quite small. There is a writing desk and a chair next to the window. The bed is small. It is on the left side opposite the window. there are a few books on the top of the desk. The kitchen is in the back part of the house. It is next to the bathroom. 

1. Title: My House

2. Communicative purpose: To describe my house

3. Generic Structure:

~ Identification: My house is a brick house with a small garden in front of it. Its paint is white and green. It is a very nice and comfortable house. My house has a living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. 

~ Description: There is a verandah with three wooden chairs and a wooden table in front of the verandah. The living room is big enough. In the middle of the living room, there is a big sofa and some comfortable chairs. At the end of the living room, there is a cabinet with a TV set on it. My bedroom is quite small. There is a writing desk and a chair next to the window. The bed is small. It is on the left side opposite the window. there are a few books on the top of the desk. The kitchen is in the back part of the house. It is next to the bathroom.

4. Some Grammatical Features:

~ Specific nouns: my house

~ Using simple present tense: my house has a living room, three bedrooms...

~ Using detailed noun phrase: it is a very nice and comfortable house

~ Using descriptive adjective: three wooden chairs 

Contoh Soal Descriptive Text

Direction: answer the following questions correctly by choosing A, B, C, or D.

This text is for questions number 1 to 3. 

I live in a small village called Dempet in Demak, Central Java. It is a nice and quiet place. My house is near a bridge which goes to a market. Behind my house is a big river. The street in front of my house is about ten meters wide.

People in my village are mostly farmers. They grow rice, watermelons, and cucumbers. Some people earn their living by raising cattle, such as goats, sheep, and cows. Some others are traders. They sell crops and other stuff at the market.

Early in the morning, the street in front of my house is always crowded by people going to the market. The goods are carried by horse carts and bicycles.

1. What do the people in the writer's village do for a living? By being a ...

A. farmer

B. seller

C. shepherd

D. trader

Jawaban: A 

Berdasarkan teks, dinyatakan bahwa orang-orang di desa penulis kebanyakan petani (farmers) (Paragraph 2).

2. Below are some plants that are grown by the villagers, except ...

A. rice

B. corn

C. cucumbers

D. watermelons 

Jawaban: B 

Penulis mengatakan kebanyakan warga desanya adalah petani yang menanam padi, semangka, dan ketimun (paragraph 2).

3. They sell crops and other stuff at the market. (paragraph 2) The underlined word has a similar meaning with ...

A. merchandises

B. harvest goods

C. cattle

D. gifts

Jawaban: B 

Kata crops memiliki arti yang mirip dengan harvest goods, seperti padi, semangka, dan ketimun. 

This text is for questions number 4 to 6. 

Boyolali regency is located north of Solo and east of Merapi and Merbabu mountains. This regency has been known for its production of fresh milk for a long time. No wonder, the cow statues adorn Boyolali town.

There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. They are displayed in different places. The statues are made of concrete. The color and shape are made in such a way to resemble the real cows. However, the size is made bigger to catch the eye. 

Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn out to be helpful for people from out of town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mentioning the position of the statue, people can get their way easily. 

4. ... they are seeking in Boyolali. (paragraph 3) What does the underlined word refer to?

A. People from out of town

B. Places in boyolali

C. Cow statues

D. Real cows 

Jawaban: A 

Kata yang digarisbawahi merujuk kepada mereka yang datang dari luar kota. Kita dapat membaca dan mengetahuinya di paragraf 3 .. the statues also turn out to helpful for people from out of town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. Satu-satunya yang mencari tempat di Boyolali, yaitu orang-orang dari luar kota.

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 

A. The statues help people find places easily.

B. The statues decorate the town beautifully.

C. The cow can get their way easily around the town.

D. The people from out of town easily find the statues.

Jawaban: A 

Paragraf terakhir kebanyakan menceritakan tentang cara patung sapi membantu orang dari luar kota menemukan letak Boyolali dengan menyebutkan posisi patung tersebut. 

6. The text mainly tells us about ...

A. the color of the statues

B. cow statues in Boyolali

C. a town called Boyolali

D. how to raise cows 

Jawaban: B 

Paragraf pertama menceritakan latar belakang Boyolali memiltki banyak patung sapi. Paragraf kedua menceritakan cara bentuk patung sapi tersebut dan fungsinya sebagai dekorasi dan ikon kota. Paragraf ketiga memberikan informasi bahwa hanya menyebutkan posisi patung-patung dan orang dari luar daerah dapat menemukan Boyolali secara mudah. 

This text is for questions 7 to 10. 

Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He is an African-American. He is tall and thin. He is bald. He has a dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.

He is the first black man who becomes the president of the United States. He is known as a smart and wise man. He is a loving husband to his wife and a good father to his two children. People from all over the world adore him because of his spirit and action in creating peace in this world. He also looks friendly because he always smiles a lot. 

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election

B. To entertain the readers with the story of Barack Obama

C. To report the life of the president of the United States of America

D. To describe Barack Obama's physical appearance and personality

Jawaban: D 

Ini adalah teks deskriptif tentang Barack Obama. Paragraf pertama menceritakan tampilan fisiknya, sedangkan paragraf kedua menceritakan kepribadiannya 

8. ... dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face The antonym of the underlined word is...

A. flat

B. short

C. straight

D. handsome

Jawaban: A

Antonim dari pointed adalah flat. Short >< long; straight >< curly/wavy; handsome >< ugly. 

9. Below are some personalities of Obama which are being described, except ...

A. wise

B. smart

C. strong

D. polite

Jawaban: C 

Kepribadian Obama, seperti smart, wise, loving, good, dan friendly. 

10. Why does Obama look friendly?

A. Because he creates peace

B. Because he has two children

C. Because he always smiles a lot

D. Because he is the first black president 

Jawaban: C 

Kalimat terakhir pada teks di alas, terdapat penjelasan alasan sikap bersahabat dari Obama.

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